K-Nearest Neighbors

Cengiz Zopluoglu (University of Oregon)

[Updated: Wed, Sep 20, 2023 - 17:34:34 ]

1. Distance Between Two Vectors

Measuring the distance between two data points is at the core of the K Nearest Neighbors (KNN) algorithm, and it is essential to understand the concept of distance between two vectors.

Imagine that each observation in a dataset lives in a P-dimensional space, where P is the number of predictors.

A general definition of distance between two vectors is the Minkowski Distance. The Minkowski Distance can be defined as

\[\left ( \sum_{i=1}^{P}|A_i-B_i|^q \right )^{\frac{1}{q}},\] where \(q\) can take any positive value.

For simplicity, suppose that we have two observations and three predictors, and we observe the following values for the two observations on these three predictors.

If we assume that the \(q=1\) for the Minkowski equation above, then we can calculate the distance as the following:

A <- c(20,25,30)
B <- c(80,90,75)

sum(abs(A - B))
[1] 170

When \(q\) is equal to 1 for the Minkowski equation, it becomes a special case known as Manhattan Distance. Manhattan Distance between these two data points is visualized below.

If we assume that the \(q=2\) for the Minkowski equation above, then we can calculate the distance as the following:

A <- c(20,25,30)
B <- c(80,90,75)

(sum(abs(A - B)^2))^(1/2)
[1] 99.24717

When \(q\) is equal to 2 for the Minkowski equation, it is also a special case known as Euclidian Distance. The euclidian distance between these two data points is visualized below.

2. K-Nearest Neighbors

Given that there are \(N\) observations in a dataset, a distance between any observation and \(N-1\) remaining observations can be computed using Minkowski distance (with a user-defined choice of \(q\) value). Then, for any given observation, we can rank order the remaining observations based on how close they are to the given observation and then decide the K nearest neighbors (\(K = 1, 2, 3, ..., N-1\)), K observations closest to the given observation based on their distance.

Suppose that there are ten observations measured on three predictor variables (X1, X2, and X3) with the following values.

d <- data.frame(x1 =c(20,25,30,42,10,60,65,55,80,90),
                x2 =c(10,15,12,20,45,75,70,80,85,90),
                x3 =c(25,30,35,20,40,80,85,90,92,95),
                label= c('A','B','C','D','E','F','G','H','I','J'))

   x1 x2 x3 label
1  20 10 25     A
2  25 15 30     B
3  30 12 35     C
4  42 20 20     D
5  10 45 40     E
6  60 75 80     F
7  65 70 85     G
8  55 80 90     H
9  80 85 92     I
10 90 90 95     J

Given that there are ten observations, we can calculate the distance between all 45 pairs of observations (e.g., Euclidian distance).

dist <- as.data.frame(t(combn(1:10,2)))
dist$euclidian <- NA

for(i in 1:nrow(dist)){
  a <- d[dist[i,1],1:3]
  b <- d[dist[i,2],1:3]
  dist[i,]$euclidian <- sqrt(sum((a-b)^2))

   V1 V2  euclidian
1   1  2   8.660254
2   1  3  14.282857
3   1  4  24.677925
4   1  5  39.370039
5   1  6  94.074439
6   1  7  96.046864
7   1  8 101.734950
8   1  9 117.106789
9   1 10 127.279221
10  2  3   7.681146
11  2  4  20.346990
12  2  5  35.000000
13  2  6  85.586214
14  2  7  87.464278
15  2  8  93.407708
16  2  9 108.485022
17  2 10 118.638105
18  3  4  20.808652
19  3  5  38.910153
20  3  6  83.030115
21  3  7  84.196199
22  3  8  90.961530
23  3  9 105.252078
24  3 10 115.256236
25  4  5  45.265881
26  4  6  83.360662
27  4  7  85.170417
28  4  8  93.107465
29  4  9 104.177733
30  4 10 113.265176
31  5  6  70.710678
32  5  7  75.332596
33  5  8  75.828754
34  5  9  95.937480
35  5 10 107.004673
36  6  7   8.660254
37  6  8  12.247449
38  6  9  25.377155
39  6 10  36.742346
40  7  8  15.000000
41  7  9  22.338308
42  7 10  33.541020
43  8  9  25.573424
44  8 10  36.742346
45  9 10  11.575837

For instance, we can find the three closest observations to Point E (3-Nearest Neighbors). As seen below, the 3-Nearest Neighbors for Point E in this dataset would be Point B, Point C, and Point A.

# Point E is the fifth observation in the dataset

loc <- which(dist[,1]==5 | dist[,2]==5)

tmp <- dist[loc,]

   V1 V2 euclidian
12  2  5  35.00000
19  3  5  38.91015
4   1  5  39.37004
25  4  5  45.26588
31  5  6  70.71068
32  5  7  75.33260
33  5  8  75.82875
34  5  9  95.93748
35  5 10 107.00467


The \(q\) in the Minkowski distance equation and \(K\) in the K-nearest neighbor are user-defined hyperparameters in the KNN algorithm. As a researcher and model builder, you can pick any values for \(q\) and \(K\). They can be tuned using a similar approach applied in earlier classes for regularized regression models. One can pick a set of values for these hyperparameters and apply a grid search to find the combination that provides the best predictive performance.

It is typical to observe overfitting (high model variance, low model bias) for small values of K and underfitting (low model variance, high model bias) for large values of K. In general, people tend to focus their grid search for K around \(\sqrt{N}\).


It is essential to remember that the distance calculation between two observations is highly dependent on the scale of measurement for the predictor variables. If predictors are on different scales, the distance metric formula will favor the differences in predictors with larger scales, and it is not ideal. Therefore, it is essential to center and scale all predictors before the KNN algorithm so each predictor similarly contributes to the distance metric calculation.

3. Prediction with K-Nearest Neighbors (Do-It-Yourself)

Given that we learned about distance calculation and how to identify K-nearest neighbors based on a distance metric, the prediction in KNN is straightforward.

Below is a list of steps for predicting an outcome for a given observation.

  1. Calculate the distance between the observation and the remaining \(N-1\) observations in the data (with a user choice of \(q\) in Minkowski distance).

  2. Rank order the observations based on the calculated distance, and choose the K-nearest neighbor. (with a user choice of \(K\))

  3. Calculate the mean of the observed outcome in the K-nearest neighbors as your prediction.

Note that Step 3 applies regardless of the type of outcome. If the outcome variable is continuous, we calculate the average outcome for the K-nearest neighbors as our prediction. If the outcome variable is binary (e.g., 0 vs. 1), then the proportion of observing each class among the K-nearest neighbors yields predicted probabilities for each class.

Below, I provide an example for both types of outcome using the Readability and Recidivism datasets.

3.1. Predicting a continuous outcome with the KNN algorithm

The code below is identical to the code we used in earlier classes for data preparation of the Readability datasets. Note that this is only to demonstrate the logic of model predictions in the context of K-nearest neighbors. So, we are using the whole dataset. In the next section, we will demonstrate the full workflow of model training and tuning with 10-fold cross-validation using the caret::train() function. 1. Import the data 2. Write a recipe for processing variables 3. Apply the recipe to the dataset

# Import the dataset

readability <- read.csv('./data/readability_features.csv',header=TRUE)

# Write the recipe


blueprint_readability <- recipe(x     = readability,
                                vars  = colnames(readability),
                                roles = c(rep('predictor',768),'outcome')) %>%
  step_zv(all_numeric()) %>%
  step_nzv(all_numeric()) %>%

# Apply the recipe

baked_read <- blueprint_readability %>% 
  prep(training = readability) %>%
  bake(new_data = readability)

Our final dataset (baked_read) has 2834 observations and 769 columns (768 predictors; the last column is target outcome). Suppose we would like to predict the readability score for the first observation. The code below will calculate the Minkowski distance (with \(q=2\)) between the first observation and each of the remaining 2833 observations by using the first 768 columns of the dataset (predictors).

dist <- data.frame(obs = 2:2834,dist = NA,target=NA)

for(i in 1:2833){
  a <- as.matrix(baked_read[1,1:768])
  b <- as.matrix(baked_read[i+1,1:768])
  dist[i,]$dist   <- sqrt(sum((a-b)^2))
  dist[i,]$target <- baked_read[i+1,]$target


We now rank-order the observations from closest to the most distant and then choose the 20 nearest observations (K=20). Finally, we can calculate the average of the observed outcome for the 20 nearest neighbors, which will become our prediction of the readability score for the first observation.

# Rank order the observations from closest to the most distant

dist <- dist[order(dist$dist),]

# Check the 20-nearest neighbors

      obs     dist     target
2440 2441 24.18419  0.5589749
44     45 24.37057 -0.5863595
1991 1992 24.91154  0.1430485
2263 2264 25.26260 -0.9034530
2521 2522 25.26789 -0.6358878
2418 2419 25.41072 -0.2127907
1529 1530 25.66245 -1.8725131
238   239 25.92757 -0.5610845
237   238 26.30142 -0.8889601
1519 1520 26.40373 -0.6159237
2243 2244 26.50242 -0.3327295
1553 1554 26.57041 -1.8843523
1570 1571 26.60936 -1.1336779
2153 2154 26.61727 -1.1141251
75     76 26.63733 -0.6056466
2348 2349 26.68325 -0.1593255
1188 1189 26.85316 -1.2394727
2312 2313 26.95360 -0.2532137
2178 2179 27.04694 -1.0298868
2016 2017 27.05989  0.1398929
# Mean target for the 20-nearest observations

[1] -0.6593743
# Check the actual observed value of reability for the first observation

[1] -0.3402591

3.2. Predicting a binary outcome with the KNN algorithm

We can follow the same procedures to predict Recidivism in the second year after an individual’s initial release from prison.

# Import data

recidivism <- read.csv('./data/recidivism_y1 removed and recoded.csv',header=TRUE)

# Write the recipe

  outcome <- c('Recidivism_Arrest_Year2')
  id      <- c('ID')
  categorical <- c('Residence_PUMA',

  numeric   <- c('Supervision_Risk_Score_First',
  props      <- c('DrugTests_THC_Positive',

  for(i in categorical){
    recidivism[,i] <- as.factor(recidivism[,i])
  # Blueprint for processing variables
  blueprint_recidivism <- recipe(x  = recidivism,
                    vars  = c(categorical,numeric,props,outcome,id),
                    roles = c(rep('predictor',48),'outcome','ID')) %>%
    step_indicate_na(all_of(categorical),all_of(numeric),all_of(props)) %>%
    step_zv(all_numeric()) %>%
    step_impute_mean(all_of(numeric),all_of(props)) %>%
    step_impute_mode(all_of(categorical)) %>%
    step_logit(all_of(props),offset=.001) %>%
    step_poly(all_of(numeric),all_of(props),degree=2) %>%
                   paste0(props,'_poly_2')) %>%
    step_dummy(all_of(categorical),one_hot=TRUE) %>%
                  transform = function(x) x + 1,

# Apply the recipe

baked_recidivism <- blueprint_recidivism %>% 
  prep(training = recidivism) %>% 
  bake(new_data = recidivism)

The final dataset (baked_recidivism) has 18111 observations and 144 columns (the first column is the outcome variable, the second column is the ID variable, and remaining 142 columns are predictors). Now, suppose that we would like to predict the probability of Recidivism for the first individual. The code below will calculate the Minkowski distance (with \(q=2\)) between the first individual and each of the remaining 18,110 individuals by using values of the 142 predictors in this dataset.

dist2 <- data.frame(obs = 2:18111,dist = NA,target=NA)

for(i in 1:18110){
  a <- as.matrix(baked_recidivism[1,3:144])
  b <- as.matrix(baked_recidivism[i+1,3:144])
  dist2[i,]$dist   <- sqrt(sum((a-b)^2))
  dist2[i,]$target <- as.character(baked_recidivism[i+1,]$Recidivism_Arrest_Year2)


We now rank-order the individuals from closest to the most distant and then choose the 100-nearest observations (K=100). Then, we calculate proportion of individuals who were recidivated (YES) and not recidivated (NO) among these 100-nearest neighbors. These proportions predict the probability of being recidivated or not recidivated for the first individual.

# Rank order the observations from closest to the most distant

dist2 <- dist2[order(dist2$dist),]

# Check the 100-nearest neighbors

        obs     dist target
7069   7070 6.216708     No
14203 14204 6.255963     No
1573   1574 6.383890     No
4526   4527 6.679704     No
8445   8446 7.011824     No
6023   6024 7.251224     No
7786   7787 7.269879     No
564     565 7.279444    Yes
8767   8768 7.288118     No
4645   4646 7.358620     No
4042   4043 7.375563     No
9112   9113 7.385485     No
5315   5316 7.405087     No
4094   4095 7.536276     No
9731   9732 7.565588     No
830     831 7.633862     No
14384 14385 7.644471     No
2932   2933 7.660397    Yes
646     647 7.676351    Yes
6384   6385 7.684824    Yes
13574 13575 7.698020    Yes
8468   8469 7.721216     No
1028   1029 7.733411    Yes
5307   5308 7.739071    Yes
15431 15432 7.745690    Yes
2947   2948 7.756829     No
2948   2949 7.765037     No
4230   4231 7.775368     No
596     597 7.784595     No
4167   4168 7.784612     No
1006   1007 7.812405     No
3390   3391 7.874554     No
9071   9072 7.909254     No
8331   8332 7.918238     No
9104   9105 7.924227     No
3229   3230 7.930461     No
13537 13538 7.938787     No
2714   2715 7.945400     No
1156   1157 7.953271     No
1697   1698 7.974193     No
14784 14785 7.990007    Yes
7202   7203 7.993035     No
3690   3691 7.995380     No
1918   1919 8.001320    Yes
11531 11532 8.029120    Yes
10446 10447 8.047488     No
1901   1902 8.057717     No
2300   2301 8.071222     No
8224   8225 8.083153    Yes
14277 14278 8.084527    Yes
12032 12033 8.089992    Yes
14276 14277 8.119004     No
1771   1772 8.130169     No
4744   4745 8.131978     No
5922   5923 8.142912     No
10762 10763 8.147908    Yes
4875   4876 8.165558    Yes
9875   9876 8.169483     No
9728   9729 8.180874     No
1197   1198 8.201112     No
12474 12475 8.203781     No
5807   5808 8.203803     No
8924   8925 8.205562     No
15616 15617 8.209297     No
3939   3940 8.211146    Yes
9135   9136 8.228498     No
2123   2124 8.239376     No
3027   3028 8.240339    Yes
5797   5798 8.241649     No
11356 11357 8.257729     No
13821 13822 8.264409     No
3886   3887 8.266251     No
4462   4463 8.270711    Yes
11885 11886 8.274784     No
10755 10756 8.306296    Yes
11092 11093 8.306444     No
16023 16024 8.306558    Yes
14527 14528 8.308691    Yes
5304   5305 8.309684    Yes
2159   2160 8.314671     No
417     418 8.321942     No
3885   3886 8.325970     No
1041   1042 8.335102    Yes
7768   7769 8.344739     No
5144   5145 8.345242     No
822     823 8.348941    Yes
2904   2905 8.351296     No
1579   1580 8.358877     No
385     386 8.365923    Yes
15929 15930 8.368133     No
616     617 8.368361     No
7434   7435 8.371817     No
3262   3263 8.375772     No
11763 11764 8.377018     No
713     714 8.379589     No
5718   5719 8.383483     No
7314   7315 8.384174     No
3317   3318 8.393829    Yes
4584   4585 8.411941    Yes
8946   8947 8.418526     No
# Mean target for the 100-nearest observations


 No Yes 
 72  28 
  # This indicates that the predicted probability of being recidivated is 0.28
  # for the first individual given the observed data for 100 most similar 
  # observations
# Check the actual observed outcome for the first individual

[1] 0

4. Kernels to Weight the Neighbors

In the previous section, we tried to understand how KNN predicts a target outcome by simply averaging the observed value for the target outcome from K-nearest neighbors. It was a simple average by equally weighing each neighbor.

Another way of averaging the target outcome from K-nearest neighbors would be to weigh each neighbor according to its distance and calculate a weighted average. A simple way to weigh each neighbor is to use the inverse of the distance. For instance, consider the earlier example where we find the 20-nearest neighbor for the first observation in the readability dataset.

dist <- dist[order(dist$dist),]

k_neighbors <- dist[1:20,]

      obs     dist     target
2440 2441 24.18419  0.5589749
44     45 24.37057 -0.5863595
1991 1992 24.91154  0.1430485
2263 2264 25.26260 -0.9034530
2521 2522 25.26789 -0.6358878
2418 2419 25.41072 -0.2127907
1529 1530 25.66245 -1.8725131
238   239 25.92757 -0.5610845
237   238 26.30142 -0.8889601
1519 1520 26.40373 -0.6159237
2243 2244 26.50242 -0.3327295
1553 1554 26.57041 -1.8843523
1570 1571 26.60936 -1.1336779
2153 2154 26.61727 -1.1141251
75     76 26.63733 -0.6056466
2348 2349 26.68325 -0.1593255
1188 1189 26.85316 -1.2394727
2312 2313 26.95360 -0.2532137
2178 2179 27.04694 -1.0298868
2016 2017 27.05989  0.1398929

We can assign a weight to each neighbor by taking the inverse of their distance and rescaling them such that the sum of the weights equals 1.

k_neighbors$weight <- 1/k_neighbors$dist
k_neighbors$weight <- k_neighbors$weight/sum(k_neighbors$weight)

      obs     dist     target     weight
2440 2441 24.18419  0.5589749 0.05382110
44     45 24.37057 -0.5863595 0.05340950
1991 1992 24.91154  0.1430485 0.05224967
2263 2264 25.26260 -0.9034530 0.05152360
2521 2522 25.26789 -0.6358878 0.05151279
2418 2419 25.41072 -0.2127907 0.05122326
1529 1530 25.66245 -1.8725131 0.05072080
238   239 25.92757 -0.5610845 0.05020216
237   238 26.30142 -0.8889601 0.04948858
1519 1520 26.40373 -0.6159237 0.04929682
2243 2244 26.50242 -0.3327295 0.04911324
1553 1554 26.57041 -1.8843523 0.04898757
1570 1571 26.60936 -1.1336779 0.04891586
2153 2154 26.61727 -1.1141251 0.04890133
75     76 26.63733 -0.6056466 0.04886451
2348 2349 26.68325 -0.1593255 0.04878041
1188 1189 26.85316 -1.2394727 0.04847175
2312 2313 26.95360 -0.2532137 0.04829114
2178 2179 27.04694 -1.0298868 0.04812447
2016 2017 27.05989  0.1398929 0.04810145

Then, we can compute a weighted average of the target scores instead of a simple average.

# Weighted Mean target for the 20-nearest observations

[1] -0.6525591

Several kernel functions can be used to assign weight to K-nearest neighbors (e.g., epanechnikov, quartic, triweight, tricube, gaussian, cosine). For all of them, closest neighbors are assigned higher weights while the weight gets smaller as the distance increases, and they slightly differ the way they assign the weight. Below is a demonstration of how assigned weight changes as a function of distance for different kernel functions.


Which kernel function should we use for weighing the distance? The type of kernel function can also be considered a hyperparameter to tune.

5. Predicting a continuous outcome with the KNN algorithm via caret:train()

Please review the following notebook that builds a prediction model using the K-nearest neighbor algorithm for the readability dataset.

Building a Prediction Model using KNN

6. Predicting a binary outcome with the KNN algorithm via caret:train()

Please review the following notebook that builds a classification model using the K-nearest neighbor algorithm for the full recidivism dataset.

Building a Classification Model using KNN


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