Bagged Trees and Random Forests

Cengiz Zopluoglu (University of Oregon)

[Updated: Wed, Sep 20, 2023 - 17:37:03 ]

1. The Concept of Bootstrap Aggregation (BAGGING)

The concept of bagging is based on the idea that predictions from an ensemble of models are better than any single model predictions. Suppose we randomly draw multiple samples from a population and then develop a prediction model for an outcome using each sample. The aggregated predictions from these multiple models would perform better due to the reduced model variance (aggregation would reduce noise due to sampling).

Due to the lack of access to the population (even if we assume there is a well-defined population), we can mimic the sampling from a population by replacing it with bootstrapping. A Bootstrap sample is a random sample with replacement from the sample data.

Suppose there is sample data with ten observations and three predictors. Below are five bootstrap samples from this sample data.

d <- data.frame(x1 =c(20,25,30,42,10,60,65,55,80,90),
                x2 =c(10,15,12,20,45,75,70,80,85,90),
                x3 =c(25,30,35,20,40,80,85,90,92,95),
                label= c('A','B','C','D','E','F','G','H','I','J'))

   x1 x2 x3 label
1  20 10 25     A
2  25 15 30     B
3  30 12 35     C
4  42 20 20     D
5  10 45 40     E
6  60 75 80     F
7  65 70 85     G
8  55 80 90     H
9  80 85 92     I
10 90 90 95     J

# Bootstrap sample 1

d[sample(1:10,replace = TRUE),]
     x1 x2 x3 label
2    25 15 30     B
2.1  25 15 30     B
6    60 75 80     F
1    20 10 25     A
8    55 80 90     H
10   90 90 95     J
10.1 90 90 95     J
8.1  55 80 90     H
10.2 90 90 95     J
3    30 12 35     C
# Bootstrap sample 2

d[sample(1:10,replace = TRUE),]
     x1 x2 x3 label
4    42 20 20     D
9    80 85 92     I
9.1  80 85 92     I
10   90 90 95     J
6    60 75 80     F
10.1 90 90 95     J
3    30 12 35     C
2    25 15 30     B
9.2  80 85 92     I
4.1  42 20 20     D
# Bootstrap sample 3

d[sample(1:10,replace = TRUE),]
    x1 x2 x3 label
9   80 85 92     I
3   30 12 35     C
6   60 75 80     F
3.1 30 12 35     C
4   42 20 20     D
5   10 45 40     E
4.1 42 20 20     D
8   55 80 90     H
10  90 90 95     J
3.2 30 12 35     C
# Bootstrap sample 4

d[sample(1:10,replace = TRUE),]
     x1 x2 x3 label
8    55 80 90     H
7    65 70 85     G
3    30 12 35     C
1    20 10 25     A
10   90 90 95     J
2    25 15 30     B
9    80 85 92     I
10.1 90 90 95     J
6    60 75 80     F
10.2 90 90 95     J
# Bootstrap sample 5

d[sample(1:10,replace = TRUE),]
    x1 x2 x3 label
3   30 12 35     C
10  90 90 95     J
5   10 45 40     E
8   55 80 90     H
6   60 75 80     F
3.1 30 12 35     C
1   20 10 25     A
4   42 20 20     D
9   80 85 92     I
8.1 55 80 90     H

The process of bagging is building separate models for each bootstrap sample and then applying all these models to a new observation for predicting the outcome. Finally, these predictions are aggregated in some form (e.g., taking the average) to obtain a final prediction for the new observation. The idea of bagging can technically be applied to any prediction model (e.g., CNN’s, regression models). During the model process from each bootstrap sample, no regularization was applied, and models were developed to their full complexity. So, we obtain so many unbiased models. While each model has a significant sample variance, we hope to reduce this sampling variance by aggregating the predictions from all these models at the end.


1.1. BAGGING: Do It Yourself with the rpart package

In this section, we will apply the bagging idea to decision trees to predict the readability scores. First, we import and prepare data for modeling. Then, we split the data into training and test pieces.

# Import the dataset

readability <- read.csv(here('data/readability_features.csv'),header=TRUE)

# Write the recipe


blueprint_readability <- recipe(x     = readability,
                    vars  = colnames(readability),
                    roles = c(rep('predictor',768),'outcome')) %>%
             step_zv(all_numeric()) %>%
             step_nzv(all_numeric()) %>%
# Train/Test Split

set.seed(10152021)  # for reproducibility
loc      <- sample(1:nrow(readability), round(nrow(readability) * 0.9))
read_tr  <- readability[loc, ]
read_te  <- readability[-loc, ]



The code below will take a

We will repeat this process ten times.


bag.models <- vector('list',10)

for(i in 1:10){

  # Bootstrap sample
    temp_rows <- sample(1:nrow(read_tr),nrow(read_tr),replace=TRUE)
    temp <- read_tr[temp_rows,]

  # Train the tree model with no pruning and no cross validation
    grid <- data.frame(cp=0)
    cv <- trainControl(method = "none")
    bag.models[[i]] <- caret::train(blueprint_readability,
                                    data      = temp,
                                    method    = 'rpart',
                                    tuneGrid  = grid,
                                    trControl = cv,
                                    control   = list(minsplit=20,
                                                     minbucket = 2,
                                                     maxdepth = 60))


Now, we will use each of these models to predict the readability score for the test data. We will also average these predictions. Then, we will save the predictions in a matrix form to compare.

preds <- data.frame(obs = read_te[,c('target')])

preds$model1  <- predict(bag.models[[1]],read_te)
preds$model2  <- predict(bag.models[[2]],read_te)
preds$model3  <- predict(bag.models[[3]],read_te)
preds$model4  <- predict(bag.models[[4]],read_te)
preds$model5  <- predict(bag.models[[5]],read_te)
preds$model6  <- predict(bag.models[[6]],read_te)
preds$model7  <- predict(bag.models[[7]],read_te)
preds$model8  <- predict(bag.models[[8]],read_te)
preds$model9  <- predict(bag.models[[9]],read_te)
preds$model10 <- predict(bag.models[[10]],read_te)

preds$average <- rowMeans(preds[,2:11])

     obs model1 model2 model3 model4 model5 model6 model7 model8
1  0.246 -0.827  0.355  0.619 -0.925 -0.956  0.260 -0.095 -0.224
2 -0.188 -1.399 -0.963 -0.458  0.635 -0.415 -0.684 -0.101 -0.963
3 -0.135 -0.235  1.149  0.827  0.663  0.015  0.865  0.693 -0.013
4  0.395  0.690  0.355  1.361  0.025 -0.271  0.119 -0.406 -0.044
5 -0.371 -1.232 -0.901 -1.968 -1.147 -1.420 -1.393 -1.104  0.114
6 -1.156 -0.173 -0.531 -0.694 -1.390 -0.508 -0.690 -0.769  0.360
  model9 model10 average
1 -0.610   0.433  -0.197
2 -0.610   0.259  -0.470
3  0.242  -0.253   0.395
4  0.005   0.739   0.257
5 -1.024  -1.125  -1.120
6 -0.252  -0.894  -0.554

Now, let’s compute the RMSE for each model’s predicted scores and the RMSE for the average of predicted scores from all ten tree models.

p1 <- sqrt(mean((preds$obs - preds$model1)^2))
p2 <- sqrt(mean((preds$obs - preds$model2)^2))
p3 <- sqrt(mean((preds$obs - preds$model3)^2))
p4 <- sqrt(mean((preds$obs - preds$model4)^2))
p5 <- sqrt(mean((preds$obs - preds$model5)^2))
p6 <- sqrt(mean((preds$obs - preds$model6)^2))
p7 <- sqrt(mean((preds$obs - preds$model7)^2))
p8 <- sqrt(mean((preds$obs - preds$model8)^2))
p9 <- sqrt(mean((preds$obs - preds$model9)^2))
p10 <- sqrt(mean((preds$obs - preds$model10)^2))

p.ave <- sqrt(mean((preds$obs - preds$average)^2))

  geom_point(aes(x = 1:11,y=c(p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6,p7,p8,p9,p10,p.ave)))+
  xlab('Model Predictions') +
  ylab('RMSE') +
  ylim(0,1) + 
  scale_x_continuous(breaks = 1:11,
                     labels=c('Model 1','Model 2', 'Model 3', 'Model 4', 
                              'Model 5','Model 6', 'Model 7', 'Model 8',
                              'Model 9','Model 10','Bagged'))+
           x = 1:11,
           label = round(c(p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6,p7,p8,p9,p10,p.ave),3),

As it is evident, the bagging of 10 different tree models significantly improved the predictions on the test dataset.

1.2. BAGGING with the ranger and caret::train() packages

Instead of writing your code to implement the idea of bagging for decision trees, we can use the ranger method via caret::train().


      parameter     class                         label
1          mtry   numeric #Randomly Selected Predictors
2     splitrule character                Splitting Rule
3 min.node.size   numeric             Minimal Node Size

The caret::train() allows us manipulate three parameters while using the ranger method:

# Cross validation settings 
    read_tr = read_tr[sample(nrow(read_tr)),]
    # Create 10 folds with equal size
    folds = cut(seq(1,nrow(read_tr)),breaks=10,labels=FALSE)
    # Create the list for each fold 
    my.indices <- vector('list',10)
    for(i in 1:10){
      my.indices[[i]] <- which(folds!=i)
    cv <- trainControl(method = "cv",
                       index  = my.indices)

# Grid, running with all predictors in the data (768)

grid <- expand.grid(mtry = 768,splitrule='variance',min.node.size=2)
  mtry splitrule min.node.size
1  768  variance             2
# Bagging with 10 tree models

bagged.trees <- caret::train(blueprint_readability,
                             data      = read_tr,
                             method    = 'ranger',
                             trControl = cv,
                             tuneGrid  = grid,
                             num.trees = 10,
                             max.depth = 60)

Let’s check the cross-validated performance metrics.

  mtry splitrule min.node.size      RMSE  Rsquared      MAE
1  768  variance             2 0.6804536 0.5683141 0.543069
      RMSESD RsquaredSD      MAESD
1 0.02011178 0.02586802 0.01373682

The performance is very similar to what we got in our DIY demonstration.

A couple of things to note:

1.3. Tuning the Number of Tree Models in Bagging

Unfortunately, caret::train does not let us define the num.trees argument as a hyperparameter in the grid search. So, the only way to search for the optimal number of trees is to use the ranger method via caret::train function and iterate over a set of values for the num.trees argument. Then, compare the model performance and pick the optimal number of tree models.

The code below implements this idea and saves the results from each iteration in a list object.

# Run the bagged trees by iterating over num.trees using the 
# values 5, 20, 40, 60,  ..., 200
  nbags <- c(5,seq(from = 20,to = 200, by = 20))
  bags <- vector('list',length(nbags))
    for(i in 1:length(nbags)){
      bags[[i]] <- caret::train(blueprint_readability,
                                data      = read_tr,
                                method    = 'ranger',
                                trControl = cv,
                                tuneGrid  = grid,
                                num.trees = nbags[i],
                                max.depth = 60)

    # This can take a few hours to run.

Let’s check the cross-validated RMSE for the bagged tree models with different number of trees.

rmses <- c()

for(i in 1:length(nbags)){
  rmses[i] = bags[[i]]$results$RMSE

  xlab('Number of Trees')+
[1] 180

It indicates that the RMSE stabilizes after roughly 60 tree models. We can see that a bagged tree model with 180 trees gave the best result. Let’s see how well this model performs on the test data.

# Predictions from a Bagged tree model with 180 trees

predicted_te <- predict(bags[[10]],read_te)


mean(abs(read_te$target - predicted_te))
[1] 0.4776075

sqrt(mean((read_te$target - predicted_te)^2))
[1] 0.6003086
# R-square

[1] 0.6646118

Now, we can add this to our comparison list to remember how well this performs compared to other methods.

R-square MAE RMSE
Linear Regression 0.658 0.499 0.620
Ridge Regression 0.727 0.432 0.536
Lasso Regression 0.721 0.433 0.542
Elastic Net 0.726 0.433 0.539
KNN 0.611 0.519 0.648
Decision Tree 0.499 0.574 0.724
Bagged Trees 0.664 0.478 0.600

2. Random Forests

Random Forests is an idea very similar to Bagging with an extra feature. In Random Forests, while we take a bootstrap sample of observations (a random sample of rows in training data with replacement), we also take a random sample of columns for each split while developing a tree model. It allows us to develop tree models more independently of each other.

When specific important predictors are related to the outcome, the tree models developed using all predictors will be very similar, particularly at the top nodes, although we take bootstrap samples. These trees will be correlated to each other, which may reduce the efficiency of BAGGING in reducing the variance. We can diversify the tree models by randomly sampling a certain number of predictors while developing each tree. It turns out that a diverse group of tree models does much better in predicting the outcome than a group of tree models similar to each other.

We can use the same ranger package to fit the random forests models by only changing the mtry argument in our grid. Below, we will fit a random forests model with ten trees by randomly sampling from rows for each tree. In addition, when we develop each tree model, we will also randomly sample 300 predictors. I set mtry=300 in the grid object, indicating that it will randomly sample 300 predictors to consider for each split when developing each tree.

# Grid, randomly sample 300 predictors

grid <- expand.grid(mtry = 300,splitrule='variance',min.node.size=2)
  mtry splitrule min.node.size
1  300  variance             2
# Random Forest with 10 tree models

rforest <- caret::train(blueprint_readability,
                        data      = read_tr,
                        method    = 'ranger',
                        trControl = cv,
                        tuneGrid  = grid,
                        num.trees = 10,
                        max.depth = 60)
   user  system elapsed 
 167.84    1.12  128.98 

   user  system elapsed 
  15.23    0.04   11.30 

[1] NA NA NA

Let’s check the cross-validated performance metrics.

  mtry splitrule min.node.size      RMSE  Rsquared       MAE
1  300  variance             2 0.6829234 0.5674509 0.5430574
      RMSESD RsquaredSD      MAESD
1 0.01628784 0.02833995 0.01213438

For random forests, there are two hyperparameters to tune:

As mentioned before, unfortunately, the caret::train only allows mtry in the grid search. For the number of trees, one should embed it in a for loop to iterate over a set of values. The code below hypothetically implements this idea by trying ten different mtry values (100,150,200,250,300,350,400,450,500,550) and saves the results from each iteration in a list object. However, I haven’t run it, which may take a long time.

# Grid Settings  

    grid <- expand.grid(mtry = c(100,150,200,250,300,350,400,450,500,550),

# Run the bagged trees by iterating over num.trees values from 1 to 200
    bags <- vector('list',200)
    for(i in 1:200){
      bags[[i]] <- caret::train(blueprint_readability,
                                data      = read_tr,
                                method    = 'ranger',
                                trControl = cv,
                                tuneGrid  = grid,
                                num.trees = i,
                                max.depth = 60,)

Instead, I run this by fixing mtry=300 and then iterating over the number of trees for values of 5, 20, 40, 60, 80, …, 200 (as we did for bagged trees).

rmses <- c()

for(i in 1:length(nbags)){
  rmses[i] = bags[[i]]$results$RMSE

  xlab('Number of Trees')+
[1] 160

RMSE similarly stabilized after roughly 60 trees. Let’s see how well the model with 200 trees perform.

# Predictions from a Random Forest model with 160 trees

predicted_te <- predict(bags[[11]],read_te)


mean(abs(read_te$target - predicted_te))
[1] 0.4756419

sqrt(mean((read_te$target - predicted_te)^2))
[1] 0.6003527
# R-square

[1] 0.6690829

Below is our comparison table with Random Forests added. As you see, there is a slight improvement over Bagged Trees, and we can improve this a little more by trying different values of mtry and finding an optimal number.

R-square MAE RMSE
Linear Regression 0.658 0.499 0.620
Ridge Regression 0.727 0.432 0.536
Lasso Regression 0.721 0.433 0.542
Elastic Net 0.726 0.433 0.539
KNN 0.611 0.519 0.648
Decision Tree 0.499 0.574 0.724
Bagged Trees 0.664 0.478 0.600
Random Forests 0.669 0.476 0.600

3. Predicting Recidivism using Bagges Trees and Random Forests

In this section, I provide the R code to predict recidivism using Bagged Trees and Random Forests.

Import the recidivism dataset and pre-process the variables

# Import data

recidivism <- read.csv('./data/recidivism_y1 removed and recoded.csv',header=TRUE)

# Write the recipe

  # List of variable types 
  outcome <- c('Recidivism_Arrest_Year2')
  id      <- c('ID')
  categorical <- c('Residence_PUMA',

  numeric   <- c('Supervision_Risk_Score_First',
  props      <- c('DrugTests_THC_Positive',
  # Convert all nominal, ordinal, and binary variables to factors
  for(i in categorical){
    recidivism[,i] <- as.factor(recidivism[,i])

  # Blueprint for processing variables
  blueprint_recidivism <- recipe(x  = recidivism,
                      vars  = c(categorical,numeric,props,outcome,id),
                      roles = c(rep('predictor',48),'outcome','ID')) %>%
    step_indicate_na(all_of(categorical),all_of(numeric),all_of(props)) %>%
    step_zv(all_numeric()) %>%
    step_impute_mean(all_of(numeric),all_of(props)) %>%
    step_impute_mode(all_of(categorical)) %>%
    step_logit(all_of(props),offset=.001) %>%
    step_poly(all_of(numeric),all_of(props),degree=2) %>%
                   paste0(props,'_poly_2')) %>%
    step_dummy(all_of(categorical),one_hot=TRUE) %>%
                    transform = function(x) x + 1,

2. Train/Test Split

  loc <- which(recidivism$Training_Sample==1)

  # Training dataset

  recidivism_tr  <- recidivism[loc, ]
  # Test dataset

  recidivism_te  <- recidivism[-loc, ]

3.1. Bagged Trees

# Cross validation settings 
    set.seed(10302021) # for reproducibility
    recidivism_tr = recidivism_tr[sample(nrow(recidivism_tr)),]
  # Create 10 folds with equal size
    folds = cut(seq(1,nrow(recidivism_tr)),breaks=10,labels=FALSE)
  # Create the list for each fold 
    my.indices <- vector('list',10)
    for(i in 1:10){
      my.indices[[i]] <- which(folds!=i)
  cv <- trainControl(method = "cv",
                     index  = my.indices,
                     classProbs = TRUE,
                     summaryFunction = mnLogLoss)

# Grid settings

  # Notice that I use **'gini'** for splitrule because this is 
  # now a classification problem.
  grid <- expand.grid(mtry = 142,

# Run the BAGGED Trees with different number of trees 
# 5, 20, 40, 60, ..., 200
    nbags <- c(5,seq(20,200,20))
    bags <- vector('list',length(nbags))

    for(i in 1:length(nbags)){
      bags[[i]] <- caret::train(blueprint_recidivism,
                                data      = recidivism_tr,
                                method    = 'ranger',
                                trControl = cv,
                                tuneGrid  = grid,
                                metric    = 'logLoss',
                                num.trees = nbags[i],
                                max.depth = 60)
logLoss_ <- c()

for(i in 1:length(nbags)){
  logLoss_[i] = bags[[i]]$results$logLoss

  xlab('Number ofs')+
  ylab('Negative LogLoss')+
[1] 200
# Predict the probabilities for the observations in the test dataset

predicted_te <- predict(bags[[11]], recidivism_te, type='prob')

[1] 5460    2
      No    Yes
1 0.9900 0.0100
2 0.6050 0.3950
3 0.6150 0.3850
4 0.5675 0.4325
5 0.7725 0.2275
6 0.6900 0.3100
# Compute the AUC


cut.obj <- cutpointr(x     = predicted_te$Yes,
                     class = recidivism_te$Recidivism_Arrest_Year2)

[1] 0.7241845
# Confusion matrix assuming the threshold is 0.5

pred_class <- ifelse(predicted_te$Yes>.5,1,0)

confusion <- table(recidivism_te$Recidivism_Arrest_Year2,pred_class)

       0    1
  0 3957  189
  1 1125  189
# True Negative Rate

[1] 0.9544139
# False Positive Rate

[1] 0.04558611
# True Positive Rate

[1] 0.1438356
# Precision

[1] 0.5
Bagged Trees 0.506 0.724 0.759 0.144 0.954 0.046 0.500
Logistic Regression 0.510 0.719 0.755 0.142 0.949 0.051 0.471
Logistic Regression with Ridge Penalty 0.511 0.718 0.754 0.123 0.954 0.046 0.461
Logistic Regression with Lasso Penalty 0.509 0.720 0.754 0.127 0.952 0.048 0.458
Logistic Regression with Elastic Net 0.509 0.720 0.753 0.127 0.952 0.048 0.456
KNN ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
Decision Tree 0.558 0.603 0.757 0.031 0.986 0.014 0.423

3.2. Random Forests

# Grid settings

grid <- expand.grid(mtry = 80,splitrule='gini',min.node.size=2)

    # The only difference for random forests is that I set mtry = 80

# Run the Random Forests with different number of trees 
# 5, 20, 40, 60, ..., 200
   nbags <- c(5,seq(20,200,20))
   bags <- vector('list',length(nbags))
    for(i in 1:length(nbags)){
      bags[[i]] <- caret::train(blueprint_recidivism,
                                data      = recidivism_tr,
                                method    = 'ranger',
                                trControl = cv,
                                tuneGrid  = grid,
                                metric    = 'logLoss',
                                num.trees = nbags[i],
                                max.depth = 60)
logLoss_ <- c()

for(i in 1:length(nbags)){
  logLoss_[i] = bags[[i]]$results$logLoss

  xlab('Number ofs')+
  ylab('Negative LogLoss')+
[1] 180
# Predict the probabilities for the observations in the test dataset

predicted_te <- predict(bags[[10]], recidivism_te, type='prob')

# Compute the AUC

cut.obj <- cutpointr(x     = predicted_te$Yes,
                     class = recidivism_te$Recidivism_Arrest_Year2)

[1] 0.7251904
# Confusion matrix assuming the threshold is 0.5

pred_class <- ifelse(predicted_te$Yes>.5,1,0)

confusion <- table(recidivism_te$Recidivism_Arrest_Year2,pred_class)

       0    1
  0 3956  190
  1 1113  201
# True Negative Rate

[1] 0.9541727
# False Positive Rate

[1] 0.0458273
# True Positive Rate

[1] 0.152968
# Precision

[1] 0.5140665
Random Forests 0.507 0.725 0.761 0.153 0.954 0.046 0.514
Bagged Trees 0.506 0.724 0.759 0.144 0.954 0.046 0.500
Logistic Regression 0.510 0.719 0.755 0.142 0.949 0.051 0.471
Logistic Regression with Ridge Penalty 0.511 0.718 0.754 0.123 0.954 0.046 0.461
Logistic Regression with Lasso Penalty 0.509 0.720 0.754 0.127 0.952 0.048 0.458
Logistic Regression with Elastic Net 0.509 0.720 0.753 0.127 0.952 0.048 0.456
KNN ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
Decision Tree 0.558 0.603 0.757 0.031 0.986 0.014 0.423


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